My summer holiday / moje wakacje letnie / wersja w górach / Gimanzjum 1-3


My summer holiday / Moje wakacje letnie

In the mountains / W górach

Gimnazjum klasy 1-3

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My summer holiday

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During my summer holiday I was in the mountains.
It was fun. I went with my mother, father and my friend ...imię....... . We went by (car/ train / plane). We stayed (in a hotel / on a campsite / at a guesthouse).

When it was sunny in the morning, we had breakfast and went trekking. I love trekking, so I was in heaven. My dad usually carried a large backpack and my mom complained that it was tiring.
I enjoyed the views. I love trekking in the mountains, so I took a lot of photos.

About 5 o'clock we usually went back for dinner. We ate traditional food at an inn next to our (hotel / campsite / guesthouse)*. The food was great, but the music was terrible.

In the evening, we usually went to the town centre. There were nice shops, stalls, and places to look around, have some ice-cream, and meet some people. We met some really nice boys and girls from ..... miejscowość...... . They were there with their parents, too.

In the evenings my mother and father were not very happy when we were out very late.
We stayed out with our new friends and enjoyed hot summer evenings.
It was a lovely holiday in the mountains. I didn't want to come back.

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